Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
fbcKIDS Worship
is a great place for kids to be kids!

At FBC we want kids to know that they have a place in God's kingdom. We know that kids can be wiggly, silly & loud and we have reasonable expectations when it comes to kids. We know that it is tough to sit through an entire sermon! That's why we offer fbcKIDS Worship during the sermon, for our kiddos age 4 through grade 4. Our team of volunteers understands kids and wants to teach kids about Jesus and help them to understand the Bible better and how they can apply the truth of God's Word to their lives, even as youngsters. We want to cultivate the seeds that God has planted in them, helping them to grow in grace and understanding of what God has planned for their lives. We believe that no one is ever too young to have a relationship with Jesus!
*Note: Children are dismissed during the song before the sermon. (Watch the screen for the prompt.) We ask first time attenders to escort their children (age 4 -Grade 4) back to the Kids space so that leaders can meet parents and everyone is familiar with the dismissal routine. Children will not be dismissed without an adult.
*Note: Children are dismissed during the song before the sermon. (Watch the screen for the prompt.) We ask first time attenders to escort their children (age 4 -Grade 4) back to the Kids space so that leaders can meet parents and everyone is familiar with the dismissal routine. Children will not be dismissed without an adult.
Sunday Morning Nursery
Parents of infants and toddlers are welcome to utilize the Nursery during our services. Located in the North Hallway, our staff is waiting to share the love of Christ with you and our youngest guests. Children will be checked in at the counter in the nursery. Questions can be directed to Mary Crespo, our Nursery Director.

Age Groups Include:
- Preschool (formerly AWANA Cubbies)
- Kindergarten- Grade 2 (formerly AWANA Sparks)
- Grade 3- 5 (formerly AWANA T & T)
WOW Kids is our Mid-Week Kids Club!
"WOW" = "The Word on Wednesday"
On Wednesdays, Beginning September 11, 2024 through May, fbcKIDS Ministry dives into God's Word and has some fun engaging with others and with God through His Word. It's WOW Kids!
Children from preschool (2 years before Kindergarten) to grade 5 are welcome to join us for weekly- age appropriate- 'small groups'. Designed to encourage community and discipleship at critical developmental stages, WOW Kids utilizes the small group discipleship program 'Bible Studies for Life' from Lifeway Publishing. Additional curriculum details can be found here.
WOW Kids club starts at 6:30 with parent pickup at 7:45 pm. Tightly packed, the evening schedule features a game time, a lesson time and group discussion time. We also have space for parents to hang out and enjoy an hour of quiet time with other adults. Men's group meets in the Library AND MOM TIME occurs during WOW.
We're excited to offer this program for another year! Register above and let us know you are coming to join us.
Moms (any mom-even if your child is not in WOW KIDS) are welcome to attend MOM Time on Wednesday Nights during WOW. Dads (men, in general), there's something for you too! Details can be found HERE.
On Wednesdays, Beginning September 11, 2024 through May, fbcKIDS Ministry dives into God's Word and has some fun engaging with others and with God through His Word. It's WOW Kids!
Children from preschool (2 years before Kindergarten) to grade 5 are welcome to join us for weekly- age appropriate- 'small groups'. Designed to encourage community and discipleship at critical developmental stages, WOW Kids utilizes the small group discipleship program 'Bible Studies for Life' from Lifeway Publishing. Additional curriculum details can be found here.
WOW Kids club starts at 6:30 with parent pickup at 7:45 pm. Tightly packed, the evening schedule features a game time, a lesson time and group discussion time. We also have space for parents to hang out and enjoy an hour of quiet time with other adults. Men's group meets in the Library AND MOM TIME occurs during WOW.
We're excited to offer this program for another year! Register above and let us know you are coming to join us.
Moms (any mom-even if your child is not in WOW KIDS) are welcome to attend MOM Time on Wednesday Nights during WOW. Dads (men, in general), there's something for you too! Details can be found HERE.
Tell me more about fbcKIDS!