Winning (Part 4)

Part 4 of the winning series reminds us that the greatest win in this life is to win the eternal souls to Jesus for their salvation. One truth is mission critical and becomes the driving force to this pursuit of winning. JESUS is the most important thing in the world and what the world needs most; more than any other thing in the world. We need to remember is that no matter what we do, they still need Jesus. They can have all they they might ever want but without Jesus, they are doomed to eternal destruction. Strategy is good and methods are necessary but at the end of the day, they still need Jesus. If we remember that and make that the reason we smile at people, or make them a meal or help them with anything by giving our time or money, we still need to go to the next level to tell them about Jesus. Showing is good but telling is what is needed to give the world what it needs...Jesus.